September 25, 2013

Beyond Light

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Appearing from within the depths of a virtual unknown surface a variety of vibrations appearing as spiraling waveforms ingeniously plotting the characteristics of the field from which they emerge. It is a dynamic energy stemming from an unknown source subtly presented as an agency, i.e. vortex in motion. From its inception this “primary” impulse will respond the presence of other disparate fields of similar unknown origin in a manner that uniquely differentiates every field. In this manner every invisible phenomenon retains the potential of being made known, i.e. manifest,  within the constraints of a matrix construed in space/time. 

“The field is the sole governing agency of the particle” 

Consciousness becomes characterized within the parameters of every vibrational field each based upon circumstances determined by forces (virtual) emerging from beyond the constraints of a manifest universe. For example, humanity shares in a collective awareness that characterizes it as a field thereby identifying it among other fields of consciousness. 

Design creates a vibrational tissue between "states" through symbolic means, i.e. holographic imaginings that afford the opportunity to generate and/or establish a resonance between fields. In essence, each association contributes to identifying, characterizing and expanding the concept of unity and/or wholeness by means of the vibrational field we experience as consciousness. 

What appears as being unknown is a field that cannot be imagined except by realizing and experiencing its presence in relative time/space. Forms that emerge from this virtual unknown characterize and qualify it through symbolic means. 

Consciousness is in-form-ation being brought into fruition by means of the precipitation of light into holograms that together partake in the emergence of a common field of awareness. 

Consciousness doesn't require top-down blueprinting. Consciousness is an all-encompassing, amalgamated and emergent field of perpetual change that gives form and composition to an unknown intelligence within the context of relative time/space. 

Each symbol conforms to and is determined by the fields to which they identify and adhere. Symbols are the causal agents that connect and disconnect every field that can be defined and/or described in relative space/time, e.g. cosmic bubbles. Designs/symbols generate a resonance between fields by fashioning apparent wormholes, gateways and correspondences at virtual levels. Design creates the context and the symbolic correspondences that harbor the potential for light, energy and information to merge together into a collective awareness. 

A "design" creates a symbolic correspondence between universes and dimensions. 

Consciousness is an aphorism, an optimum phenomenon made apparent by virtue of a collective action, thought, emotion, event or experience made symbolically discernible by means of a design. Consciousness is in perpetual flux, focused in the present and emergent in quality. 

Transformations between virtual fields appear alchemically before consciousness in the form of light, energy and information. They emerge from an unknown source into what could be interpreted as a phenomenal event or experience, e.g. a bubble/field. 

The unknown is holographically and symbolically contained within every "form" in 3D space/time. Light, energy and information appear as vibrations emerging from within and beyond the parameters of every universe, i.e. bubble. These vibrations likewise affect every other "known" field of lesser or greater magnitude/consciousness/volume. 

Outside the parameters of every universe exists a conceptual wholeness, e.g. the Tao. By virtue of the imagination this concept can be made apparent within the parameters of every dimensional field/universe we individually (subjectively) and collectively (objectively) create for ourselves. Yet any "idea" of the unknown remains beyond our imagination and forever veiled within the light.

" ... light is truly neither positive nor negative. Light amplifies that which is. Light shines a torch, offering clarity to things we haven’t seen before. Bright, white light contains All the colors, and thus gives us access to an entire spectrum of emotions, qualities and experiences that we may not have had access to before …"
Dana Mrkich

The imagination by means of design harbors the language of Dreamtime.

* * *

In reference to Design and Design Consciousness, the quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) might best be described as a mutable and malleable photonic aether. At much denser levels of observation such aethers will appear as a field of vibrating and at times oscillating, electro-magnetic plasma. 

As such, the concept of Light is abstract, relative and yet the “substance” in which dimensions are hewn, constructed, formed and made relatively manifest (holographic). A designer must be wise, accomplished and well skilled in the tools she/he has symbolically created in desire to bring one’s dream to fruition.

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

* * *

Edited: 09.26.2013, 09.27.2013, 09.28.2013, 10.18.2013, 11.08.2014, 10.22.2016, 12.23.2016, 01.11.2017, 04.06.2018, 11.20.2018, 04.26.2024
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