November 7, 2009

Cognitive Awareness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Consciousness is dependent upon the ability to adjust to an environment that is in perpetual change. Stimuli construed as originating from both internal and external sources is important in understanding the concept of design consciousness as a whole.

In order to survive and function appropriately, consciousness must possess a certain degree of awareness, i.e. elements of cognition that can be described in both the smallest and broadest of terms. The capacity to respond to any surrounding environment makes cognition and a degree of reason mandatory if any realization of consciousness is to be made apparent.

The more embracing a field of consciousness the more inclusive its symbolic forms of awareness, complexity, and influence. Cognition contributes to a form of intelligence that by nature, will eventually acclimate to a wide variety of circumstances through evolutionary means. By appending awareness, consciousness increases its chances for survival by virtue of expanding its re-sources by retaining a degree of balance. If done coherently and appropriately, responses to circumstances over time will eventually afford the observer a greater opportunity to adapt to its surroundings. The environment/context in which an event or experience is observed likewise creates the constraints in which the observer can adapt, respond and be made conscionable. 

The ability to adapt to a certain "situation" is the result of an exchange of energy, light and/or information between the conscious field of the observer, which includes the context in which the exchange of energy is being observed. Sounds, gestures, postures, speech, music, energy patterns, movement, etc. are expressions of mineral, organic, animal and human levels of awareness currently being exhibited upon this planet. And it about these same categorizations/formations/patterns of energy that the Earth changes its own morphogenetic field of consciousness. 

All that can be observed exists in a form of its own sense of consciousness, based upon symbolic impressions, interpretations and response. 

By means of cognitive response, i.e. energy sharing via sign, symbol, or metaphor, results in an array of multidimensional examples of energy, light and information exchange appearing at their most appropriate frequency. All fields of energy, light and information provide and represent a wide variety of classifiable perturbations within their own individual environments/fields. All fields respond, embrace and likewise symbolically project these same patterns in response to impressions observed, described, implied and/or sometimes felt to be outside an observer's control. 
* solar/celestial positioning, planetary cycles, energy/light/information attraction and repulsion, instinct, habitual response, intuition, etc.)

Consciousness is the by product of a number of interlaced cognitions (awarenesses) joined together by a variety of complementary frequencies of energy/light and information. 

Consciousness cannot be known by any one perspective or cognition, rather consciousness should be viewed within a specific context/field in which it is observed. Perception and recognition is directly linked to a binary system of signs and symbols that find expression within a diverse array of energy formations/patterns. In this manner any impression becomes significant when discovered/felt/observed to be resonating with another known quality. In turn each vibratory expression, i.e. field, complements another by means of "tuning into" to a newly shared frequency/expression. **  The end products of such a unique vibratory relationship "materialize" into new vibratory patterns of energy, light and information. The impressions surrounding these energy arrangements may appear to be both formed and/or formless, observable and/or unobservable. 
** Visit metaphor, synchronicity, synergy, morphogenetic fields.

Design both quantifies and qualifies experiences and events made conscionable to every observer.

When such an arrangement of resonant energy is perceived/observed/interpreted as a form of intelligence, even more expansive "forms of symbolic continuity" can be arranged by simply expanding within the same environmental constraints, i.e. contexts, that recognize and distinguish this particular relationship from others. When internally focused such revelations are interpreted as new experiences and added to a list of categories, e.g. facts, knowledge, understanding, compassion, wisdom, empathy, integrity, love, etc. These experiences create new opportunities, imaginings and impressions that when translated into a different form of awareness, will similarly contribute to the proliferation of a more expansive field we observe as consciousness.

In reference to design, all of consciousness must work within symbolic constraints and parameters. When approaching apparent limitations, consciousness must seek out, integrate and blend with other fields of awareness for purposes of evolutionary progress, expansion and survival.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 01.11.2017, 04.09.2020, 01.28.2023, 01.27.2024
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