July 6, 2008

Analogical Correspondences

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The capacity to perceive the world symbolically lies at the highest level of acquiring knowledge because it requires combinations of reasoning, intuition, perception and observation. Every event is an expression of a multitude of differing computations all changing at varying degrees. There is no such thing as permanence.

Consciousness naturally adapts to each and every circumstance, even in the midst of diversity. Each symbolic interpretation acts as transmission of energy that perpetuates change. We essentially imagine our world, including the very concept of consciousness that we’ve come to believe perceives it. Within this imagining is energy in the form of relative substance (matter), meaning (emotional) and purpose (mental). These are fundamental attributes of a consciousness whose mind is the very Source that imagined it.

Consciousness expands in its own awareness due to its capacity to adapt, extrapolate and make connections. Design consciousness relies heavily upon analogy, metaphor and paradox, all methods of cognition that take the perspective of the observer more so than that of the perceiver. Interpretation, learning and creativity are highly dependent upon this capacity for pattern recognition.

Design consciousness brings into manifestation those symbolic qualities that allow awareness to reflect and ponder upon its own construct of reality. Analogy and the application of the imagination, connect to a world of virtual particles allowing design consciousness to bring to realization situations that are not always immediately apparent. This allows for a wide range of interpretation and insight concerning every circumstance, while simultaneously multiplying the connective potentiality surrounding each relationship.

The ability to create analogies is characteristic of an observing consciousness. The ability to find key symbolic elements that substantiate and help define and describe an “experience” is fundamental to design consciousness. All situations change and any astute observer is all too aware of it. An observer is extremely perceptive and possesses a natural capacity to exercise symbolic organization and representation. In addition, an observer has the ability to make the most appropriate symbolic correspondences in the moment.

The interaction between analogy, metaphor and paradoxical thinking are themselves examples of design thinking. They are all deeply symbolic in nature and quality. Perception underscores the process of observation, which includes the potential to trigger further realizations through the mapping process. Any situation once perceived and later observed in retrospect has the potential to enhance and redefine the experience thereby expanding awareness.

Perception feeds observation as observation likewise compliments further perceptions. Perceptive origins are essentially sentient in character while observation is more conceptual. In essence, we first imagine our world virtually and then respond to those virtual imaginings by creating our own structures around them.

This process depends upon the capacity for subjective representation and interpretation, which rests upon the conscious ability to perceive and observe the world symbolically. Design thinking is essentially an abstract thought process that attunes itself with changing situations by both perceiving and observing them symbolically. We essentially imagine our world including its substance (physical), its meaning (emotional) and its purpose (mental)
Knowledge is as dependent upon perception as understanding is to observation. Every situation is a new situation and two situations are never exactly alike.

The lack of knowledge and understanding brings difficulty to any situation. The inability to appropriately change when perceiving and/or observing a particular circumstance, often reveals a highly structured and rigid thought process that for the most part, is unsuitable.

To observe a “situation” means to capture the feeling both mentally and emotionally. This becomes the data upon which current and future choices are discerned and absorbed. No single observation can embrace every single option or scenario - it never will. The Universe holds the options (QFVPP) and its' design are the context and patterns you choose for yourself both individually and collectively. 

Design resolutions require group coherence, resonance and balance, whether between mind and emotion (feeling), individuals, states or nations.
Efforts need not be towards the full discovery of a particular solution, but rather defining and redefining the next step, i.e. objective, towards reaching a goal - for the moment. 

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16,2014, 01.11.2017, 08.04.2020, 12.07.2021, 05.24.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice)  AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com


Simulated Consciousness

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The more abstract the association between our mind, emotions and feelings the more symbolic the thought form. Consciousness brings into reality to every observation by exercising it own type of awareness. Consciousness is an active participant in creative process. 

Design brings "reality" to this joint venture. 

The concept of reality surfaces from within the unconsciousness of an observer and becoming symbolically "filtered" by means of the subconscious. This awareness is then reflected back to the observer in a pattern (design) cloaked  in both form (matter) and formlessness (thought/emotion/feeling).  

Every example considered "real" originates from the POV of an observer. The observer by virtue of design, assigns a particular symbolic pattern of energy to every impression. When resonant these patterns reflect upon the consciousness of an observer and in turn considered to be real. 

Yes, it all becomes a magical adventure, especially while realizing that the design process actively describes and is based upon this symbolic undertaking towards self-realization, aka the individuation process. What an observer knows and/ or believes is made symbolically apparent within the parameters and/or constraints of his/her own virtual world/reality. 

A design reality can be discovered by many means - thoughts, emotions, the senses and feelings are typical of the human observer. 

The symbolic imaginings we attach to our impressions of the many worlds within and around us, affords the concept of consciousness its own sense of reality. Actually, consciousness is the outward expression of who we think, feel and believe we are. We are forever projecting upon ourselves and others who we are, whether we know or believe it. We actively engage in this (design) process in order to better know and believe in ourselves. By nature, we are experiencing Life solely in order to "know and believe in ourselves".

These forms of reality are made of mind-stuff, i.e. chitta (virtual particles), appearing as images, thoughts and feelings that go beyond the physical senses. Knowing and believing draws out a meaning and purpose from deep within every event and experience encountered.

These images and our mind’s ability to both create and recreate them, exists in a virtual world that by nature, is always in motion and flux (QFVPP/Chi).  Images appear before our "mind’s eye". We have the ability to purposely focus our attention towards that to which we are attracted and resonate. 

Attractions are contained in 3D space time yet are in themselves both spaceless and timeless.  

Images of reality are harbored in a virtual world of our own making and interpretation. This is the same consciousness we apply to our world view when we perceive or observe ourselves as a participant in the events and experiences we become aware of.

Meaning infers that there is an intimate relationship between an perceiver/observer and the circumstance/context encountered. Meaning emerges from within and upon the wings of our feelings. Intuitive in nature, feelings describe the dynamic relationship between a variety of emotional and mental attributes, impressions and impulses that surround every experience and event, i.e. Kama/Manas. 

Likewise, all events and experiences vary in content, context and importance. The more conceptual the context the greater the role of the virtual world.

Symbols draw meaning out of experience by tapping into certain impulses, emotions, thoughts, feelings and impressions. The ability to purposely form these impressions/permutations emerge as ideas. This is skill is human in character. 

Thoughts and feelings change in a moment's notice due to the realization that they are both virtual in character and composition.

The mind and its emotional counterpart feelings, remain far from permanent. Watch your own thoughts and feelings as they scamper and "virtually change" during the course of every day. 

Consciousness is best held, perceived, observed, absorbed and experienced when you focus upon your attention at will. 
willingness: readiness, preparedness, disposition, inclination, will, wish, desire, eagerness, keenness, enthusiasm.

Consciousness makes itself apparent by the means and virtue of its own awareness. 
virtue: goodness, virtuousness, righteousness, morality, integrity, honorableness, respectability, worthiness, purity, merit, principles, trustworthiness.

This describes consciousness at work, consistently being impressed by our own thoughts and feelings while diligently witnessing the thoughts and images of others.

In a sense our thoughts and emotions are merely "virtual simulations" of what we perceive, observe and believe is true, what is real and who we are.

Consciousness is the natural expression of a cognizant observer found to be aware of a virtual world of his/her own making. This form of realization is symbolically attained by means of design. 

Design harbors the opportunity and potential to give greater meaning and purpose to such experiences and events. All events and experiences are multi dimensional in content and context primarily because they are fundamentally virtual in nature and context.

Because our virtual world is always changing, simple perceptions and observations alone are never be enough to fully describe or understand what is occurring in every given moment in every given situation. Here is where the concept of a sympathetic and benevolent universe comes into play.

Incomprehensibility leads to belief. Knowing can never be incomprehensible and therefore leads to more knowing. Knowing just is.

The ancients knew that perspective (POV) changes when viewed from a position of harmony and balance. Universal principles, constants, equations and patterns are represented by means of symbolic reference, e.g. language, art, physics, mathematics, poetry, philosophy, etc. 

Harmonic resonance rests upon the creation of a symbolic/symbiotic relationships between objects/agents/ideas/life forms. Design is key in affording consciousness the opportunity to be fully  “realized” and made aware throughout the human experience.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 01.11.2017, 12.09. 2019, 03.29.2020, 02.25.2023, 03.27.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com

Greater Meaning Greater Understanding

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The mind goes through a continuous process of filtering and reorganizing data due to consciousness’ incessant drive to bring balance and make sense of the world. The result of this process is the creation of a series of virtual representations, i.e. symbols, of this process for current and later reference. These symbolic interpretations are typically a virtual summation of the decisions and opinions formed by experience. They include physical sensations, mental and emotional perceptions, observation and participation.

The capacity to virtually formulate the most appropriate symbolic analogies to represent this “experiential process” is fundamental to cognition. Key to understanding design‘s relationship to cognition and consciousness clearly involves our emotions. In other words, the more emotional the situation the more meaningful it appears which leads towards a greater the demand for conceptual thought, i.e. design thinking.

Symbols are virtual representations, i.e. designs that have been created by, for and within consciousness for assorted purposes. Symbols incorporate all the sensations, perceptions and observations that consciousness is capable of recognizing. Symbols allow humans to think conceptually with design as the process that supports the application of conceptual thought.

Design has symbolic connotations that have both direct and indirect influences within consciousness. Designs are constantly being affected by both old and new interpretations in the form of images and feelings drawn from a relentless filtering and restructuring of the mind, emotions and physical sensations.

These more insightful levels of perception I prefer to call observations. Observation, unlike perception, takes into account a perspective separate from the perceiver. Within the conceptual network of consciousness, design appears as a process of the imagination, along with a capacity to create relationships towards even greater awareness.

Perception requires the objective ability to grasp relationship at a more physical level than does observation. Observation however demands recognition of the abstract relationships between experiences. While likewise being capable of interpreting sensations, observation offers a unique and more holistic perspective than perception alone.

Perception uses the senses to acquire information about a situation, whereas observation attentively reviews a circumstance in search for discovering relationships between elements. A participant is an active contributor who partakes in a situation as an involved accomplice if you will.

In the virtual world of design associations have the potential of creating even greater abstract associations as these symbolic relationships become more and more abstract, Likewise, the more abstract the symbolic representation and interpretation the more potentially creative the associations, equally the more aware the observer and/or participant in the experience becomes.

Observation seems to add more meaning to every situation, the more meaningful the circumstance, the greater the role design has within consciousness. Design has the capacity to tap into the knowledgeable constructs of the mind, where the addition of greater meaning opens the door to greater understanding.

- Train for any argument with Harvard's former debate coach

Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.11.2017, 06.24.2022, 03.28.2023, 04.16.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/, and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com


One in the Same

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Design allows consciousness to discover and make sense of itself. How consciousness perceives and observes itself is fundamental to how consciousness conceptualizes everything. At a concrete level, consciousness is primarily dependent upon sensation in order to perceive and formulate its perceptions. This kind of input could be interpreted as a physical expression of consciousness, which is a process shared by many other organisms.

The mysterious vehicle we describe as mind enters the mix by appearing to search, discover and originate events so as to make “sense” out of the circumstances. In essence, the mind strives to make the connections that give sustenance to the conscious “experience”.

In the case of humanity, it appears that these physical sensations, along with their accompanying perceptions, contain an assortment of attributes, e.g. beliefs, opinions, etc. In essence, what at first might be considered a tangible and simple sensation is actually a very complex perception that will always include our emotions (kama manas).

By nature the mind perpetually redefines the subject of its inquiry, even when it is the focus of its own investigations. Awareness changes in the midst of its own raw perceptions. The mind/emotion interface cannot refrain from effecting consciousness. In effect, along with the physicality of sensation this relationship should be considered one in the same, a conscious awareness always observant and always changing.

Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.11.2017
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL http://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. Fair Use Notice. AI usage is prohibited.

Code Conscious

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Design is based upon concepts that first appear to be independent of each other, but actually participate in an integrated network, matrix/ processing system. Patterns of light, energy and information are coded into a symbolic network of structures (geometries) both visible and invisible. The primary matrix in which these events and experiences "appear" include every ideas that might surround the very concept of consciousness itself. These ideas appear before your consciousness in the form of a symbol. These ideas flow into your awareness by means of metaphor.

Consciousness is coded into holographic patterns. These patterns first appear as a concept which is formless and intangible. Concepts are then made apparent by means of a series of ideas, i.e. a pattern or geometry harboring the potential of being made manifest. Again further progress is founded upon an idea's "appropriateness".  Images are holographic in character and structure. Every form is in essence, a holographic idea configured into a formation of light found to be appropriate for the situation at-hand. Similarly, every formation is based upon an interface between form and formlessness, aka as a subconscious dimension that gestates and internalizes the transition between the intangible, i.e. formlessness to form. This is a transformation of light/energy/information oscillating within the intangible realm of the mind and emotions. We might describe this dimension as the subconscious. This might likewise be described as a metaphysical realm, i.e. overlapping dimensions/fields between concepts, ideas and networks. Metaphysics harbors the concept of change in a realm of ideas.

Upon choosing the most appropriate direction (vector), quantum energy in the transitional form of plasma, begins to develop a structure or geometry the meet the needs of the creator. In order to accomplish this objective, that which is created must be made manifest within the laws, i.e. constraints, that oversee every network, i.e. dimension of consciousness. Again, if determined to be "appropriate" plasma will further condense by force of desire, into a holographic form of energy/light/information. At this stage in the process plasma might be described and perceived as a form of "substance". Substance further condenses and recombines into atoms, molecules, etc. Is this the process that has been religiously labeled as being "the fall"? At what point does a design become "real" since it might be interpreted as such any "time" along the way in the design process?

Design oversees the entire process from the start. Design gives consciousness a meaning and a purpose. Design likewise affords the tools (awareness) necessary to explore the cutting edge, the domains of the metaphysical and the magical realms of the unknown. Consciousness expands by means of awareness. Awareness expands by means of design, i.e. symbols and metaphor. All can be revealed by means of design and the design process. Design brings relevance to every code made apparent in the holographic process of creativity, growth, fragmentation, and evolution.

This awareness is likewise independent of the relative forms that give it expression. Likened to a song whose essence exists separate from the instrument that materializes it, consciousness orchestrates all its expressions, i.e. vehicles, into the most appropriate and harmonious symphony. Consciousness orchestrates its formless expression within the composition, but remains independent of the instruments that bring it into manifestation.

Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic and metaphoric in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy in motion whose origin lie beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in re-presentation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023).

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between  fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023).

Consciousness is somewhat an illusionary and abstract concept, but is given meaning and purpose through design. In music particularly, a composer has the ability to translate a conceptual structure through symbolic and coded notation. The composer acts as the vehicle of expression for the concept we describe as consciousness both collectively and individually.

These musical notations are symbols, abstract \ frequencies, vibrations and sounds originating from a virtual world associated with harmony and emotion. These impressions can be felt, a language universally shared and understood artistically, architecturally and poetically. 

Design gives form to the language. Design connects consciousness to awareness. Design is the vehicel that allows all of consciousness to resonate throughout the universe. Design fosters a language unto itself.

Consciousness describes a conceptual abstraction independently coded within the design process. Design and consciousness are intimately woven together in a corresponding spiral of symbols (codes) . Each note and series of notes, are individually separate from each other when written as a sheet of music and appear unheard except for the composer. Awareness like every note, is a coded symbol that when joined together (designed) in a particular manner/pattern, bring expression to its consciousness .  Every expression of awareness actively shares in the manifestation of a conceptual meaning and purpose veiled within the composition of its original score/blueprint.
score: orchestrate, arrange, set, adapt, compose, create

Consciousness is a network of coded vehicles designed for the transfer of energy, light and information. The result is a system of transition and transformation allowing all forms of energy to interact, correspond and communicate.

Consciousness is dualistic in nature, hovering over the relationship between the mind and the emotions. Consciousness has both a purpose and a meaning. Consciousness bridges the "gap" as a feeling, i.e. the innate and intuitive urge to create and bring balance or harmony between them. 

One set of coding is tangential the other is not. One set of coding represent the hardware, the other its software. Both sets of coding are designed in consciousness and symbolic in meaning and purpose. Together both sets of coding make real the unreal by means of design. 

Each set of coding can be made adaptable to the context from which together they emerge and are sensed. If well designed, they will adapt by recognizing, signaling and responding to the situation/context presented before them. New coding is a product of immediate execution based upon differing and unknown inputs of short and sometimes meaningless duration. New languages naturally emerge and are designed within the current constraints of the moment (time), reinforcing and emphasizing yet again, the importance of retaining and maintaining a sense of balance and harmony. 

This argument rests upon a commonly shared premise, that Consciousness is the product of a collective awareness created and made apparent by means of vibration and frequency. Each note a contributor to an unknown score in search of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

This concept describes a design consciousness where the exercise of symbolic, metaphoric, analogical and abductive reasoning prevail.

Abstract and coded networks that dynamically integrate a wide variety of expressions within symbolic constraints.

This phenomenon is arguably the result of our own abstraction and conceptual thinking, i.e. imaginings (ideas) of individual and collective originations made apparent in the form of vibratory impressions. It is a network of energy in motion (EIM), a conceptual consciousness existing both within and outside our awareness. 

Consciousness is a network both known and unknown to awareness. 

Consciousness could well be the by-product of a self coding process in action made apparent (aware) in spacetime by virtue of its own awareness.

Consciousness would not exist if not for design.

Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.11.2017, 12.06.2017, 01.10.2018, 08.04.2020, 02.25.2023, 07.23.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com

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